Life isn't a competition. It isn't about who gets the most hits in at the end, who wins, or whose stats are better. It isn't about who has the newer car, the bigger house, or more gadgets. It isn't about who always looks the freshest, seems the most organized, or has the most caring partner. It's about happiness. And happiness isn't what we think it is.
It isn't regretting the past; its taking to heart the things we would do differently. It isn't the endless shoulda-woulda-couldas; its knowing what we will do next time.
It isn't obsessing over the possibilities once we achieve our goal, its being grateful for our focus. It isn't praying for the crying to stop, it's taking the opportunity to soothe your child. Happiness isn't telling yourself you'll be satisfied with your house once it's clean, it's realizing the blessing of your own space. It isn't that we can't wait until... happiness is being content with your now.
I tell myself, "once I get a husband, raising Devonney will be easier". No, it won't. It will present it's own set of difficulties. It is easy now. I just need to take one moment at a time and breathe and love on her.
I tell myself, "once I make more money, I will be excited with all my cool stuff". Uh, what do I care about cool stuff? My stuff does what it needs to do. My laptop Skypes and gets on the internet, my car drives, my clothes fit, my phone (generally) works. That's all pretty cool haha!
I think, "I'll be more satisfied with the house once it's clean". Um, no, it's pretty perfect now. I still like it when it's messy. I can clean it later!
Sometimes I freak out when Devonney throws a fit in the middle of the night. Every pore is screaming for her to be quiet, I'm exhausted, and I really, really don't want that to be my life at that moment. But if I can just perspective for a second, instead of snapping at her or putting her down to cry in the room, I look at her little heartbroken, confused face. I hold her tight and hum in her ear, "mama's here, mama's got you" and you know what? She stops crying. That's all I have to do. That's it. This is the one time in her life it will be so easy to console her. I need to embrace that.
I will say to myself, "once I have my degree, I will be able to afford a good nanny for Devonney, and that will solve all my childcare issues". As if I will ever feel just as comfortable leaving her with someone as I do when I am caring for her! Silly!
I know you tell yourself things like this. We all do. It is okay to have hopes, dreams, plans, and goals. It's good to be excited about the future! But it is more important to embrace your now. This is the only now you will ever have. You could die tomorrow, your child could die tomorrow, you could become a paraplegic, you could discover cancer. Please, please, have some perspective and see your blessings. When you smile with positivity, you will realize you can't even count all your blessings. It's not about your situation as you would better it, it's not about all the stress on your plate, it's about all the wonderful things you experience every day. It's just a matter of seeing them when they're right in front of you.
It isn't regretting the past; its taking to heart the things we would do differently. It isn't the endless shoulda-woulda-couldas; its knowing what we will do next time.
It isn't obsessing over the possibilities once we achieve our goal, its being grateful for our focus. It isn't praying for the crying to stop, it's taking the opportunity to soothe your child. Happiness isn't telling yourself you'll be satisfied with your house once it's clean, it's realizing the blessing of your own space. It isn't that we can't wait until... happiness is being content with your now.
I tell myself, "once I get a husband, raising Devonney will be easier". No, it won't. It will present it's own set of difficulties. It is easy now. I just need to take one moment at a time and breathe and love on her.
I tell myself, "once I make more money, I will be excited with all my cool stuff". Uh, what do I care about cool stuff? My stuff does what it needs to do. My laptop Skypes and gets on the internet, my car drives, my clothes fit, my phone (generally) works. That's all pretty cool haha!
I think, "I'll be more satisfied with the house once it's clean". Um, no, it's pretty perfect now. I still like it when it's messy. I can clean it later!
Sometimes I freak out when Devonney throws a fit in the middle of the night. Every pore is screaming for her to be quiet, I'm exhausted, and I really, really don't want that to be my life at that moment. But if I can just perspective for a second, instead of snapping at her or putting her down to cry in the room, I look at her little heartbroken, confused face. I hold her tight and hum in her ear, "mama's here, mama's got you" and you know what? She stops crying. That's all I have to do. That's it. This is the one time in her life it will be so easy to console her. I need to embrace that.
I will say to myself, "once I have my degree, I will be able to afford a good nanny for Devonney, and that will solve all my childcare issues". As if I will ever feel just as comfortable leaving her with someone as I do when I am caring for her! Silly!
I know you tell yourself things like this. We all do. It is okay to have hopes, dreams, plans, and goals. It's good to be excited about the future! But it is more important to embrace your now. This is the only now you will ever have. You could die tomorrow, your child could die tomorrow, you could become a paraplegic, you could discover cancer. Please, please, have some perspective and see your blessings. When you smile with positivity, you will realize you can't even count all your blessings. It's not about your situation as you would better it, it's not about all the stress on your plate, it's about all the wonderful things you experience every day. It's just a matter of seeing them when they're right in front of you.
I love this! But... 42? Is that a math thing? :)