Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Scandal

So I've been putting some thought into the Christmas story with a new perspective, and I seriously can't wrap my brain around it. So Mary and Joseph are engaged, and she gets pregnant. First of all, the only women who get married pretty much are virgins. So now, not only is she not a virgin, she's knocked up. People can count, so EVERYONE knows she was pregnant when they got married. Depending on how everyone looks, everyone in town might also know Joseph isn't Jesus's dad. I mean these are hard enough situations now, in 2013, when it's relatively common. I can't imagine what it was like then. For Mary and Joseph to accept Jesus (a baby before marriage), for them to be obedient to the Lord, then to raise him... how do you raise him? Your child and your Savior? How much did they know? How did they apply that in their daily lives? How much did Jesus know? How did He know it? What was He like as a child? What about his siblings? Did he have friends?
The original dysfunctional family lol :) maybe this is why we're not supposed to judge others... :)

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